

Individual Sessions

Individual sessions are confidential sessions which provides an authentic opportunity for clients to receive support and experience growth during challenging times in their lives. The Individual Sessions are designed to assist clients in the development of coping skills and the development of the mental framework necessary to gain a deeper perception in life situations that hinder personal growth and personal development.

Couples & Family Therapy

Couples & Family Therapy are confidential sessions which provides an authentic opportunity for couples to discuss their matters of concern in a safe environment without reverting to old negative patterns of interacting. The Couples & Family Therapy Sessions are designed to assist the client’s improvement of their communication, identifying new skills to resolve their conflicts, and rediscovering their love languages.

Adolescents & Teen Therapy

Adolescents & Teen Therapy are personal and confidential therapy sessions that supports growing adolescents and teens manage the mental and physical changes that they experience. The Therapy sessions are also designed to provide the client’s with a safe space to process their thoughts and emotions, where they are treated with empathy, dignity and respect.

Teen Empowering Workshops

Workshops that are performed in a fun interactive environment and designed to encourage the development of the teen’s resilience and their development of positive life skills.

Substance Abuse Therapy

Substance Abuse Therapy is personal and confidential therapy sessions for clients who are struggling with alcohol and/or drug use issues. The Therapy sessions are designed to assist the clients with the development of coping skills, management of the symptoms of co-occurring disorders, and the development of a healthy lifestyle and well-being.

Autism Advocacy & Beyond

As parents of an adult male diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), we believe in a spectrum of possibilities. Autism Advocacy is an authentic opportunity for us to assist parents of children with special needs, and developing skills to aide in coping with the stress of being a care provider. Autism Advocacy & Beyond is a personal and confidential safe space where growing adolescents and teens on the Autism Spectrum can receive developmental assistance and support while being treated with dignity, empathy and respect. Autism Advocacy & Beyond is also a program that is designed to enhance the client’s communication skills, develop behavioral modification skills, develop social skills, and help the clients manage the mental and physical changes that they may be experiencing.

Consulting Services

Consulting Services includes assessments, collaboration, case management, crisis intervention, peer support, support, referrals and rehabilitative services.

Team Building Workshops

Team Building Workshops are intentional about designing a creative atmosphere to encourage and motivate team members to work together, to develop and enhance their strengths, and to address any limitations. Team members will participate in team building exercises that will help to enhance social relationships, define roles within their teams, and encourage and promote collaboration rather than competition.